Utrecht, October 2022
Beaufort Transformations and transactions has a completely new look, including a new payoff: Perfection made Personal. What does that mean in daily practice? Reason to ask the Beaufort consultants how they make it ‘Personal’. This week: Rienc ter Veen.

“Based on my experience, I know that I am only able to really understand if I manage to bridge the gap between content and people.” – Rienc ter Veen, partner.
Perfection made Personal, what do you think that means?
Rienc: “When we are called in, there is always something going on. Often there are concerns about results, strategy, future prospects, financing and/or forecasting. Our job in doing so is to be clear and honest about the outcomes of our work. Obviously, it is of utmost importance that the path to the final outcomes is established with due care and attention.
This can only be done by making it Perfect and Personal.
Perfect: Doing everything possible to achieve the right outcomes. In doing so, you often have to go far and deep (into the details) to really get to the bottom of the process or problem. Why are things the way they are and how should or could things be done differently.
Personal: Wanting to really understand the business and especially the people and explore with your client the possible explanations and/or outcomes.”
And Rienc: how do you make it Personal?
“I go through until I understand what is happening. I go through figures, analyses and numbers until the story, which these analyses tell me, is right.
Based on my experience, I know that I am only able to really understand if I manage to bridge the gap between content and people (the organisation). I do this by engaging openly, honestly, pragmatically and constructively.
If you can work together to find a solution in an open and constructive dialogue, the outcome becomes so much better. And that is what I always strive for: the best possible outcome (perfection made personal).”
Interested in a personal meeting?
Find contact details of Rienc on the team page!